RINO Hunter!

Friday, April 27, 2007

I wish....

I wish there was someone in the Republican party who had the cahones to say : "In light of the recent comments by Harry Reid stating that "the war is lost" and the recent comments by Jack Murtha stating that "he has lost all trust in our military", I am appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the treasonous actions of Mr. Reid and Mr. Murtha"

This person would brave to be strong willed and not give two hoots in hell what the drive-by media says, and not give two hoots in hell about the attacks that will surely come from the likes of the Daily Kos and Moveon.org. In my mind the most likely candidates for an offensive like this are Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and Michael Savage. The only problem is none of them are elected officials, so they won't carry nearly as much weight as some one like President Bush would, but I think he isn't interested in making any waves of the sort. So unless someone in the house or senate all of sudden grows a back bone and a pair, I don't see this happening unfortunately...

I am sick of Republicans going along with the Democrats to get along, I wish they would have the backbone to make waves..



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