RINO Hunter!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Sports Primadonna's vs. True Sports heroes

In the sports primadonna category you have the poster child of selfishness in the NFL, Terrell Owens, who forced the 49ers to trade him despite his agent dropping the ball on filing the free agent papers, that move lead to the 49ers trading to Baltimore, in what was the best deal for them. But Mr. Me First Owens refused to report, thus forcing San Fran to reverse the trade with the Ravens and trade him to Philly in a deal where San Fran got hosed comapritively and set them back a couple of years at least. Now in Philly Owens is at it again, he wants the Eagles to rip up the contract he signed with them last year with 6 years remaining because he "out played" his contract. And now he has a hamstring injury less than a week after reporting to training camp, geee anyone else smell a rat???

Another me first football player Randy Moss keeps shooting off his mouth about how the Vikings are idiots for trading him and is heeping piles of praise on the Raiders like a farmer heps piles of bull dung onto a fire.

NEWS Flash to Randy Moss and Terrell Owens: Joe Q. Fan, doesn't feel sorry for you, grow up and act your age, we fans have to work hard for our money so we can afford to go see you play a GAME.
