RINO Hunter!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Unemployment Office Experiences

Every time I go to the Unemployment center to use the internet to search for a job, or to attend a networking group I see the grips of Democrat Dependency Syndrome (DDS). I see mothers who look like they are not even 18 yet there with a litter of kids, recent immigrants (especially Somali's and Mexicans) who are there with a litter of children and/or are pregnant, and many other people there who probably have a litter of kid so they don't have to work and some they can stay on the Government hand outs, like Food Stamps, welfare, etc. I am not opposed to people getting a helping hand to get back up on their feet when they are down, nor am I anti-immigrants, but if it weren't for all these handouts from the state given to people milking them endlessly maybe we would have money for roads, schools, etc with out having to raise taxes. Whatever happened to Workfare? Workfare was supposed to require that you had to work in order to recieve any state assistance, I suppose the liberals killed that saying it isn't fair or some other bull shit like that. (forgive my language)

I am all in favor of people coming to America in order to achieve a better life than they had in their previous country, however I am against people coming to America to live off of the genorosity of the government hand outs. I believe that the following requirements be in place in order to recieve government hand outs (like welfare, food stamps, etc.)
My requirements for imigrants are as follows: you are required to learn English, work at least 10 hours a week and /or be looking for full time work and/or be attending school to improve your employability, and if you don't have a job within two years you will have to prove that you tried to get a job and/or went to school to improve your skills so you would be more employable or prove you are unable to work due to a some sort of legitiamte disability, otehrwise you are sent back to where you are from. Plus stipulate that you committ no felonies, if convicted of a felony within your first two years here, you are automaticly deported, pending one appeal and you are no longer allowed to seek to enter the US at all.

For Non-Imigrants, No felonies or you lose funding for an indefinite period of time pending meeting behavioral standards after you are released from prison. Also you must look for work, be employed more than 10 hours a week (certain exceptions like needing to be home with your non-school aged children), and/or you must attend college to improve your hireability) PLUS you are limited to the number of children (no more than 4, beyond 4 you will recieve less funding and or be required to give them up for adoption, and NO Abortions payed for by the state.) Umm scratch the limit of children, upon further review this ounds like something out of China..

Some would call me cold hearted, well if I were in charge and you wanted handouts without limits your choices would be to go back home or live with my guidelines.


Friday, March 04, 2005

Star Spangled Banner banned in Public Schools? (Continued)

There needs to be some sort of accountbality for these "activist judges" who chose to legislate from the bench. Before Roe V. Wade, many states had passed laws banning abortions, now because of the Supreme Court ruling that murdering unborn children is legal, today abortion is the leading killer in America. Abortion kills more than cancer, heart disease and AIDS combined. I hear all the rhetoric from the abortion rights activists, from the cliche' "Don't put your laws on MY body" to the "It is my body, I should be able to chose" and I agree in principle with their logic but not with their motives. I do not think the government should legislate what people do with their own bodies, but in my opinion that does not justify murdering innocent babies because having that baby might be inconvienent or too much responsibility. Instead of murdering that innocent human life, why not give the baby up for adoption, there are many thousands of people who would love to have children but for various reasons cannot. Using the logic of the rhetoric "Take your laws off of my body", well then I guess we should legalize the rapeing of women because they don't want to have "our" laws on their body. Before you accuse me of advocating rape, I was merely using that to make a point. I think any man who forces himself onto a woman for sexual reasons is dispicable and belongs in prison.

I am afraid that no matter how many states pass laws against homosexual marriage, that unless we either pass a constitutional ammendment banning it or take action to bar the supreme court from hearing any such subject, we will see the day when these activist judges who chose to legislate from the bench will strike down the laws of the states. Last year in Minnesota, a majority of the people were in favor of banning Gay marriage but the Democartic Farmer Labor party controlled state senate wouldn't even let the bill come up for vote on the floor. They dodged the issue because they knew that if they voted against they would likely be voted out of office in 2006, well I have a news flash, by not acting on banning Gay marriage in Minnesota, you ignored the majority of the people and we will vote you out of office in 2006.

Like I said at the begining of this post I strongly believe there needs to be accountablity for the actions of the U.S. Supreme Court. Otherwise if the election in 2008 is as close as it was in 2000 or the democrat candidate imagines some sort of reason that every vote wasn't counted, we very well could see these liberal judges swing the presidency away from the way the PEOPLE voted and to the way their friends the Liberal Democrats would want it.

Also I am afraid that the Supreme Court will side with the Anti-american Communist Leftists Union in the case of the Ten Commandments and that will send us further down the slippery slope to being USSA (United Socialist States of America), as it seems the liberal wing of the democratic party desires, becuase it seems to want everyone to depend on the Government. Based on the rhetoric I hear coming from the Dems, they seem to want every one to pay in most of their income to the Government and the Government will re-distribute the wealth, like is done in Communism.

I've done enough ranting for now...


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Hello reader!

This is my maiden voyage into the seas of the Blogasphere. In this blog I am going to write about many different subjects, ranging from politics (Minnesota and National), conservative issues, sports, and to what ever is on my mind when I sit down to write.

A little background about me: I am 28 years old, male, a proud conservative living in what at times seems to be a very liberal state politically speaking, though Minnesota seems to be going more conservative, Thank God! I am a Christian, who is very pro life, anti-gay "marriage" nor am I in favor of "civil unions".

I am also a sports nut. I root for the following teams: In baseball: Minnesota Twins, Chicago Cubs, the Boston Red Sox, and whoever is playing the Yankees (that's a whole 'nother topic for another post down the road..), In football: Minnesota Vikings and Houston Texans and to a lesser extent the New Orleans Saints, and to a great extent whoever is playing (and hopefully beating the) Green Bay Packers. In Basketball, I root for the Minnesota Timberwolves, and a couple others from time to time). In Pro Hockey I've gone Wild, I am a fan of the Minnesota Wild. in College Sports I am a Gopher Fan all the way (University of Minnesota).

I am proud to have voted for George W. Bush, and other Republican candidates in the past election, and I will continue to hold out hope that in the 2008 Presidential Election, Minnesota will go Red (to the Republican candidate).

My viewpoints on some issues will be loved by some of you and hated by others but that is what makes America so great, we have the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

In closing: Every time you think of it, please pray for the Men and Women serving this great country and putting their lives on the line to spread freedom around the world.