RINO Hunter!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gore a Prophet? GAG ME!

Democrat Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusets called Al Gore a "prophet" today in a hearing on Globullshit Warming.

This proves that Global Warming is the new state religion here in the United States of America to the leftists.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Valerie Plame CHIRADE err Trial..

If any further proof was needed that this Valerie Plame name leak case were just a chirade for the democrats to riase more funds from the owner of the Democratic Part, the master puppetteer George Soros. During the broadcast of the chirade err trial, a woman stood up directly behind Ms. Plame wearing a pink shirt saying "impeach Bush now". I am convinced that Schumer and the other Democrats are using this chirade to riase more funds from their nutroots base. After all if Plame were covert why would she have appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair??????

This also proves that there is a Bush Derangement Syndrome pandemic in Washington, D.C.


Does that look like a covert agent to you?


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dem Wittted Liberals in MN...

I have hearing talk from the socialists err Democrats that our inner cities are “food deserts“, then how do the state senators from those “food deserts” justify surreptitiously voting themselves a pay raise? If these state senators truly care about the little guy why don’t they take part of the money they get and donate it to a charity that will help those people living in those food deserts get a better life? I challenge the state senators who represent the poor and impoverished inner cities to give a portion of their $96 a day per diem to help the little people they claim to care so much about.

The democrats in Saint Paul are proving all the care about is themselves and their power and not the “little guy” as they were saying as they campaigned.


What a bunch of hot air..

Take Global warming seriously? If Global Warming were factual I easily could find it in me to take it seriously.. I am going to take a leap of faith here and go out on limb, Al. Gore seems to be blaming man for Global Warming, Well Al. Gore if global warming were caused by the ‘evil’ gas guzzling SUV’s why were there more hurricanes between 1941 and 1950? Even though I am 30 years old and obviously was not alive during that time, I can safely assume there were no gas guzzling sport utility vehicles back then.

The rising and falling of the water temperatures in the ocean is part of a natural cycle that happens with no influence or control by man. If man controls the water temperatures in the oceans why not keep the water warm in the Great Lakes year round so goods can travel to and from ports such as Duluth the whole year round? With the port of Duluth being open year round, one could easily figure it would only help the economy. So maybe our politicians namely President Bush who the environmentalists love to hate , should turn up the invisible heater in the Great Lakes so we can get our products out to send to Europe. To me this sounds like a great idea, it would create more jobs in cities like Duluth, which would create more tax revenue which our government can re-distribute via social programs and heck we could even build new stadiums for the Twins, Vikings Gophers and any other team in the state who “needs” one. Just to avoid running the risk of being taken seriously, this above paragraph is intended as satire to point out the absurdity of the man made global warming conspiracy theorists.

Since you want people to give up there big SUV’s, pick up trucks and other high emission vehicles, what do you recommend I haul yard waste to the compost pit in, or should I figure a way to attach a trailer to my bike and take it ther that way. Or what about the Construction workers who use their trucks to haul materials to build houses with, should they figure a way to haul the materials with their bicycles? What about people like me whose only vehicle is a pickup truck and they can’t afford to buy a hybrid, what should I do?

I believe that God created the earth, and He knew what he was doing, therefore I don’t believe He would allow man to destroy the earth. If earth were to vulnerable to things man has done and may do in the future, this would mean that God is imperfect, which anyone who believes the Holy Bible is God’s word knows isn’t true. Also God wouldn’t have given man the ability to invent the automobile, the internal combustion engine and other things that would wreck His perfect creation, earth.



Written October 2006

Being that we are about month out of the mid-term election, all I am hearing from the Democrats is the usual drivel. They go on and on about how Bush is evil, the war in Iraq is a lost cause, how the Bush Tax Cuts are bad for America, that Republicans swept Foley’s wrong doing under the rug in the interest of maintaining power, etc. But I hear very few if any ideas on what they would do differently.

Basically the Democrats are behaving like the callers on KFAN after a Vikings’ loss, second guessing everything, whining about how the refs screwed us over, and calling the fans of the other team names in hopes that this will change the outcome the next time around. Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time, but they are yet getting the same results time after time.

Maybe if instead of calling the other team (the Republicans) names, the Democrats should quit trying to pull the wool over people‘s eyes and tell us what they really stand for and let the voters make an informed decision on the issues.

One prominent Democrat stated that “ National Security doesn’t matter”

Based on my research on the issues, I will be voting for the Republicans to continue steering America in the RIGHT direction. I am sick of republicans being sucked to the left like John McCain (nationally) Tim Pawlenty and Jim Ramstad (locally) have been.


Yes I am questioning your Patriotism!

I am questioning the patriotism of all 246 members of congress who voted for the “Embolden Our Enemies Act of 2007”. I am confident that if we cut, run and surrender in Iraq, it will make humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan look like a day at the beach. Iran and al-qaeda will certainly set up base in Iraq and have access to the oil resources of Iraq to fund future attacks on American soil that will make 9/11 look small. We will regret the day we pull out of Iraq, I guarantee it.

What makes me sick is the double talk of the moveon.org crowd who say out of one side of their mouths say they support the troops then out of the other side of their mouths they say they don’t support the mission. I remember what Lt. Colonel Oliver North said “Supporting the troops but not the mission, is like telling your wife that you love her, but you hate her cooking” If you honestly support the troops, do not cut off the funding for their mission. At one point in the war the rallying cry from the left was that the soldiers do not have enough armor, and now they want to cut off funding for this crucial effort??? Go figure.Somewhere in heaven George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Regan are shaking their heads and saying this not the America I loved.
